Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shake Ya'

When one door closes another one opens and I'm standing in a rejecting hotel


Filled with I don't cares and where's your fears I mean where's your tears


I told you no
I slammed your thumbs
Into the books of everyone else hoping for a reason to be addressed


instead of getting undressed

For dollars to flood those morals willingly and thoroughly as this pen pumps confidence in reverse



Why be in a state of just... unwelcoming uncomfortable ability for the exchange of fertility

You can barely look after YOU

Who silly fee was it to pay for another child's rough life?

Where did the dreams go?
How are your aspirations?
Why allow an expiration to swallow your thoughts


Thoughts you ponder in the silence after rocking junior to sleep

Hopefully your minds rather in tune and unique to believe the words you speak just

Loud and clear to your offspring

Hoping that later beyond spring of the 18th birthday your quotes have been instilled like second nature

I hope these kids don't shake ya'

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