Saturday, December 26, 2009

So Close Yet So Far Away

Why must time and location collide
as your body misses it's own bed
and your heart feels ripped to a location
you once wanted to experience so badly?

Why can't everything be within the same region
of what your mind imagines?

Why must you choose or be subject to force oneself back
to feeling alone when you miss everything about family and friends?

Why can't you have the choice to say I can't stand these fools
but I love their company?

Maybe we can all make it where we want to be
in the nick of time or maybe we will always be

So close yet so far away

"Sole Phresh Society"

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Internal Diary

Unattainable expression of the mind, body, and soul
Heart cries, soul bleeds, body holds
Holds the physical and mental experiences from the external visuals of judges; Extract weighed down negative grudges accepting the reality that life needs positive faith in what others don't believe in

Make nonverbal proof of worth your method to leave inspirational impressions on any non-believer; this chapter reads over-achiever

Transform each page of your internal diary into the blueprint to create unconditional believers

"Sole-Phresh Society"

Princess of FRESH

A couple days ago my big homie K.Bell ( to her too btw)introduced me to a VERY talented person going by the name FRESHPRINCESS. She's 18 and resides in Cali!! Does EVERYTHING: Sings, Raps, Writes, and can Dance! But most of all showed MAD love to me and my blog so it's only right that I return the love. Real down to earth cool person to encounter, so GET HIP to her, her blog and FOLLOW her on


Looking forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

"Sole-Phresh Society X Freshprincess"

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Battling to the trenches
Walking beside what's relentless,
heart is tremendous,
respect with holding forgiveness

Willingness to give up your last,
knowing the favor will return vastly

Still being turned down
rip up ground to create a path

to your success

Striving relentlessly towards the best for you
True love and friendships job review

Where is the loyalty?

"Sole-Phresh Society"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Silent Night

Cold, Dark, Lonely
Solely left drowning in thought
Most feared visions of emptiness
Leads my mind to a valley distraught
Frustrated minus solution
Spirits frozen as my hearts boostin
Feels like straight losing
No finish line in sight
Angered reflection steady fights

Fights to hold itself back
Realization of a lack of patience is the downfall
Egerness to sign my name over wet paint no drywall
Seems impossible to progress
Shave and burn stress, the heartache,
The memories, oh wait can't shake the memories
They mold me, but truth be told
Once all hurt unfolds

I'm afraid you'll hear nothing
Nothing but the mystery of a silent night...

"Everyone knows everything hurts in the silence"

-Sole-Phresh Society-

Friday, December 4, 2009

Desperate Lovers Cry

Tell me you want me
as we move together
Say you need me by your side
and tell me you love me
even if you don’t mean it

Razor steel wire
cannot arrest the peregrine heart
or stay the wrath in trashcan memories

Fainter now…

Fragments of inarticulate echoes
carried on the Huron winds
ensure that no one will even know
what our affliction had to say
when we were in the world

Dry tears from insecurity
Hear my cry and Know i'm fragile

"A desperate lover is a vulnerable target of pain, respect your worth, know that you can live alone as you came, learn to love yourself and someone will want to love you"



When you are near, felt-tipped hammers against metal strings reverberate in the hollow of my chest, metronome precision. I do not know you, or your thoughts, collected and bound in delicate antique linens, neatly wrapped and buried. My thoughts flow in a crescendo of invisible noise, swift and choppy.

Sink under despair into ecstacy

I hold my breath, looking up at the movement of water vapor streaming with passing birds across the sky. My eyes go under last, your voice is drowned out by the bass drum of heartbeats. From above, birds look down at sinking reflections

Who will lend a hand?

"Reach for your goals as if the ground behind you is sinking"

-Sole-Phresh Society-