Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Goofy and cool, giggly but smooth, different but new is the person all encounter at first glance, although my mind is deeply in a trance battling hurt

the kind of hurt that steps on your soul and twists your spine without anyone knowing

Although I'm not one for showing I silently reach out for a strangers xray vision to see through my shell lending a hand to help cage pain, the beast

Impossible it seems but I mean how could I release my enter most fuming tragedies left burning to the core of what's left of my happiness without crumbling?

Feels as if my heart is mumbling louder than the pathetic silent cry for assistance, knowing that no one will get through the wall of emotional distance with continuous resistance

All because I will become vulnerable like once before while knowing this time its my fault for opening the door to a land only my lonely nights encounter

Every quiet minute
Every hour

It hurts

The thoughts
The rain
The emptiness
The nonchalant remedies
The downward spirals haunting me

Piercing through my thin heart shown shirt

It hurts



subconsciously needed
Its what we crave
to feel whole
Feel completed
Reveal our soul
Know they feel it
Show our mishaps
Display hardship defeated

Without respect
We feel treated
Unworthy, Belittled and Incapable

As if everything we do is right and ethical

Put up a wall but want praise

Want freedom but live as a slave , Show off but in the worst way

Sounds as realistic as graduating college , stepping foot into millions next day

They say

What is earned lasts much longer?

Then earn your respect


Hopefully Soon

Hopefully soon my blood will be the only feeling of substance my heart interacts with

No extra strain, or stress just my hearts beat to the rhythm of my chest nothing more nothing less

Its what's best
nevertheless I feel stress
but I need more room to store the pain of other relentless hardship

Hopefully soon I can board my spaceship, gear up and launch off into a land of everlasting love

Hopefully soon
My intellect will block out many distractions allowing emotion to guide my decisions instead of a clear intelligent mind

Hopefully control will once again be mine

Hopefully soon
